Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zoo lose? No, I usually win.


Today, my love and I had the brilliant idea to go check out the Gulf Shores Zoo. Well! It was an interesting experience, to be sure. Let's just say, that if PETA got wind of this operation, they would not be too happy. On the whole, the zoo's animals consisted of those you could buy from the pet store at the mall, minus the camels, wolves, black bears, tigers, lions, and alligators.

There were pictures in this post, but I took them out to preserve the anonymity of the blog.

[Former Picture] This is my love posing with the Siberian Tiger. Rawr!

[Former Picture] This is me, looking mighty sexy, by the same tiger.

[Former Picture] I did not zoom my camera for this one. This tiger was about two arm-lengths from where I was standing. Safety first!

[Former Picture] My love got bold and decided to interact with the wildlife. Of course, I'm not sure just how wild goats are. Did you know that Texas produces 94% of the nation's goats?

In other news, my love and I found a stellar sushi restaurant called Oki Japanese. We went there for dinner last night and tonight. If you are in Gulf Shores, drive on up 59 to Foley, and check out this amazing sushi restaurant. Next time I come through Gulf Shores, I know I'll be going there. Tonight, while we were eating, we talked to a man who was born in Abilene, and had moved to Alabama about 48 years ago (the guy was probably 60). He told us how he came in second in the Texas state pistol competition two years in a row. He must have been good! Apparently, he frequents that sushi restaurant (with good reason!). I recommend the Gulf Shores roll, the Dancing Eel roll, and the American roll. Amazing.
Tomorrow, we're off early to get to North Carolina at a decent hour. Let the next leg of our trip commence!

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