Friday, June 19, 2009

Goin' to Carolina in my mind...


We are officially at our second official destination! We've left the beach behind for the mountains. I've posted the state sign pictures for your enjoyment!

There were pictures in this post, but I took them out to preserve the anonymity of the blog.

[Former Picture] Here's the entrance to Georgia! We got caught in some traffic in Atlanta, but on the whole, the peach state didn't do us wrong too much! We had georgia on our mind for about four hours of the trip!

[Former Picture] South Carolina was unnotable. We were only there for about an hour. We went through Greenville--the only major city we saw. On the way into North Carolina, we got to see some very scenic views of the mountains. Beautiful!

[Former Picture] We finally made it to North Carolina last night around 8 pm EST. The mountains are breathtaking! My love drove up several precipitous driveways in order to reach the abode of his father, whom I have yet to meet. He is reportedly downstairs, but I have not ventured down there yet, as I am still pajama'd and unshowered.
[Former Picture] When we arrived last night, we got to see a fairy cottage! The house is absolutely adorable. I have only been in one other fairy cottage before, and that was K----'s, which is nestled in the hills outside of ------, TX. Check out the woodburning stove! My love's stepmom is very sweet, and they have an incredible shy dog named Misty. Hopefully she'll warm up to me eventually!
That's all I have for now! More to come! Tonight we plan to go to "Music on Main," where a live band plays on Main Street. We're going to have some BBQ at HubbaHubba's for dinner. So cute!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so jealous. We will be in Santa Fe next week! Yeah!