Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stick shifts and safety belts!


We're cruising I-85 in Alabama, rapidly approaching the Georgia border. We have about 90 more miles to go until Atlanta, and my love has just broken out the Chex Mix. After Atlanta, we'll hit up Greenville, then Hendersonville. My love is the most amazing driver, albeit slightly choleric when it comes to imbeciles driving around us.

I don't have any pictures for you at this moment, though I will probably post some later of the Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina borders. Get excited! I know I did when my love psyched me out, saying we were approaching the Georgia state line when we really weren't! Cameras ready!

Until then,



Unknown said...

Does your love have a name?

magistra said...

This is an anonymous blog, Mom.

Ionait O'Cian said...

As we approach a state border, we always say the name of the state we are leaving really fast and once we are in the next, we shout the name of the new state. xD


Psyches you up for hours of driving excitement!

And are you really updating while driving? Have a spiffy wifi card don't you? So lucky!

(My verification word for this post is "clogire". I will be looking it up.)