Monday, June 15, 2009

Our Trip!


Our trip has begun through nine states! We are jamming to Johnny Cash after our somewhat eventful trip to Houston. How could Houston ever be eventful, you ask, except for shootings and break-ins? Well! After getting gas with my love across from my apartment (after a brief stop there), we went to Chili's, and I noticed my wallet was gone. We had gone too far to go back to the gas station, so we called, and the jerk wouldn't go out and check to see if it was there. I've officially cancelled all of my credit cards and such. Luckily, however, I had put my depit card into my pocket when we got gas. It seems that every cloud does indeed have a silver lining!

As we approach Lake Charles, my love is serenading me! He just said, "And I am going to continue serenading you to the dulcet sounds of Pink Floydd!" Get me out of here!

Just kidding!

We should arrive in Gulf Shores, AL tonight. Tomorrow will be a day at the beach, as will the day after it. Thursday we will disembark from Gulf Shores and head towards North Carolina. Prepare for fun in the sun!


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