Monday, June 22, 2009

Fishin' and Gonna be Hitchin'!


There were pictures in this post, but they have been removed to protect the anonymity of this blog.

It has been so eventful around here! Yesterday, I went to my love's aunt and uncle's house for a father's day lunch and get-together. I got to meet two more members of my love's wonderful family. They are so lively and warm! I can't wait to be one of them (I feel like I already am!). We all went fishing, and the only person who caught anything was my love's grandpa Bebo. I am looking very cool in my love's sunglasses!

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This is the part of the day where I beat my love at pool. I only won because he scratched on the eight ball. I was doing OK though, before that!

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Today, my love and I went to Pisgah National Forest. We stopped at Looking Glass Falls for some photo ops. He did very well on this picture of me with the falls. It was much higher than it looks in the picture!

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At one of the overlooks we stopped at, there were bumblebees! I had to take some pictures, and this one turned out the best of them all.
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The day was a little hazy, but you can still see the splendor of where we were. This overlook was about 4700 feet above sea level. The mountains aren't called the Blue Ridge Mountains and Smokey Mountains for no reason!
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I loved going through the tunnels...I tried to be artsy but I'm not sure if I achieved my goal!
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And yes, this is where it all happened. We drove for about an hour and a half through winding mountain roads in order to get to Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Mississippi River. Please note my stylish shawl (actually a black bedsheet). It was only 65 degrees up there, and very windy! You can see how foggy it is. Let me tell you something...that isn't fog! Those are clouds! We were so high that we were actually up in the clouds, at almost 6,700 feet!
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Behind me there is a 360 degree overlook that on clear days I'm sure gives a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. Near us was Cold Mountain, the peak after which the novel and movie (starring Nicole Kidman and Jude Law) are named. I know, you're saying, "Get to the good stuff already!" Well! Here it is! My love and I walked up the rest of the way to the overlook, and after I shouted to the four cardinal directions, "Hello [insert appropriate state name here]!" my love took me in his arms and told me he loved me. He then very sneakily took something out of his pocket, and proceded to tell me how he wanted to marry me and be my husband. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I said, "Of course!" That sealed the deal! He put that gorgeous ring on my finger, and we were officially engaged to be married!
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Here we are at the top! I loved getting engaged in the clouds! Not only was I on Cloud 9 anyway, but I got to be in the actual meteorological clouds too! We had the whole platform to ourself for about ten minutes, and then some nice people came up to the top with their family and took our picture!
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Ladies, here's what you've been waiting for...a picture of my ring! It is so shiny! This picture does not do it justice! Check Facebook for more photos!


Unknown said...

It is 2:39 in the morning and I can't sleep. Came to the computer to check your blog for a picture. Your ring looks beautiful. Tell "your love".....good job! Love you both, Mom

Ionait O'Cian said...

Zomgooosssh! I am so excited for you! What a perfect proposal, so romantic and pretty and.. *sigh* Yayay! ^^

Ahh! I'm sorry we weren't on. I want to talk to you about it! Haha! I'll try to log on tonight! (We were playing Flower and Wheel of Fortune on the PS3 xD )

Oh, would you mind if I added you on Facebook then? I love your pictures. ^^

best confirmation word yet: wandries

Ionait O'Cian said...

Oh! And Gooooo Gouka, you sly fella!

And the ring is gorgeous. It's actually the style I like too. ^_^

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl! I've been in beautiful Italia for the past five weeks, so I decided to catch up on your blog to see if I've missed anything. Apparently I have! Congrats on the engagement - I am so excited for you! I'm glad you are having a good time on your trip. Keep the posts coming!