Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The seaweed is always greener...


We've had our first day at the beach! The weather this morning was amazing, and we spent two or so hours lounging in the cool water. The last thirty minutes of our water-time was spent vainly trying to catch all of the little fish nibbling our legs! I didn't believe at first that there were fish, but at my love's insistence, I stayed still long enough to let the little ones have a bite, and I was hooked! I wanted to catch one, coming very close a few times. He caught several hermit crabs, the first of which I gave to a little girl swimming near us.

[Former Picture]

After our bodies were exhausted from the sun and the waves, we decided to hit up DeSoto's Seafood Kitchen for lunch. Abandoning the car, we walked across the road running parallel to the shore in order to catch a bite of lunch. My love had stuffed shrimp, and I had Coconut Shrimp (a specialty of the house). I'm still full!

[Former Picture]

After lunch, we walked around to souvenir shops. During our spree, my love was chased by a vicious shark! Luckily, my love conquered in the end. However, we'll be eating shark for the next thirty years, due to his conquest.

[Former Picture]

More to come, as this evening we are planning a rousing game of putt-putt golf!



Unknown said...

Your face is a little bit pink! Looks like you are having so much fun!

Unknown said...

who won at golf?