Monday, June 15, 2009

We're at the Beach!


That's right! My love and I are at the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama! We had a long day of driving, and at the end of it, we are so tired that we just want to crash!

I found my wallet...I had shoved it into my suitcase at some point. Way to go, me.

I had posted pictures, but to preserve the anonymity of my blog, I have deleted them all!

[Former Picture] Entering Mississippi!

[Former Picture] Entering into Alabama!
[Former Picture] Going through a tunnel in Mobile!
So, those are our adventures so far! We've laughed a ton (well, I've laughed a ton, and he's laughed at me!). The parts where we haven't laughed are when I "lost" my wallet, and when my love thought he was going to run out of gas, but we had plenty left! We laughed after we got gas.
More to come!

1 comment:

magistra said...

I don't know why the formatting is all screwy.