Monday, June 22, 2009

Fishin' and Gonna be Hitchin'!


There were pictures in this post, but they have been removed to protect the anonymity of this blog.

It has been so eventful around here! Yesterday, I went to my love's aunt and uncle's house for a father's day lunch and get-together. I got to meet two more members of my love's wonderful family. They are so lively and warm! I can't wait to be one of them (I feel like I already am!). We all went fishing, and the only person who caught anything was my love's grandpa Bebo. I am looking very cool in my love's sunglasses!

[Former Picture]

This is the part of the day where I beat my love at pool. I only won because he scratched on the eight ball. I was doing OK though, before that!

[Former Picture]

Today, my love and I went to Pisgah National Forest. We stopped at Looking Glass Falls for some photo ops. He did very well on this picture of me with the falls. It was much higher than it looks in the picture!

[Former Picture]

At one of the overlooks we stopped at, there were bumblebees! I had to take some pictures, and this one turned out the best of them all.
[Former Picture]
The day was a little hazy, but you can still see the splendor of where we were. This overlook was about 4700 feet above sea level. The mountains aren't called the Blue Ridge Mountains and Smokey Mountains for no reason!
[Former Picture]
I loved going through the tunnels...I tried to be artsy but I'm not sure if I achieved my goal!
[Former Picture]
And yes, this is where it all happened. We drove for about an hour and a half through winding mountain roads in order to get to Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Mississippi River. Please note my stylish shawl (actually a black bedsheet). It was only 65 degrees up there, and very windy! You can see how foggy it is. Let me tell you something...that isn't fog! Those are clouds! We were so high that we were actually up in the clouds, at almost 6,700 feet!
[Former Picture]
Behind me there is a 360 degree overlook that on clear days I'm sure gives a spectacular view of the surrounding mountains. Near us was Cold Mountain, the peak after which the novel and movie (starring Nicole Kidman and Jude Law) are named. I know, you're saying, "Get to the good stuff already!" Well! Here it is! My love and I walked up the rest of the way to the overlook, and after I shouted to the four cardinal directions, "Hello [insert appropriate state name here]!" my love took me in his arms and told me he loved me. He then very sneakily took something out of his pocket, and proceded to tell me how he wanted to marry me and be my husband. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! I said, "Of course!" That sealed the deal! He put that gorgeous ring on my finger, and we were officially engaged to be married!
[Former Picture]
Here we are at the top! I loved getting engaged in the clouds! Not only was I on Cloud 9 anyway, but I got to be in the actual meteorological clouds too! We had the whole platform to ourself for about ten minutes, and then some nice people came up to the top with their family and took our picture!
[Former Picture]
Ladies, here's what you've been waiting for...a picture of my ring! It is so shiny! This picture does not do it justice! Check Facebook for more photos!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Big Glassy and Poet of "Chicago"


[Former Picture] Can you believe it? My love's dad drives a MiniCooperS! I haven't gotten to drive it yet, but I've been on my best behavior, so we'll see how that goes.

[Former Picture] Yesterday, we took a trip away from the fairy cottage to the 22-year home of Carl Sandburg. For those of you who are illiterate or otherwise uninformed, Carl Sandburg is a one of the great American poets, considered canonical, and is in all of my college English textbooks. He wrote the widely recognized poem, "Chicago," and is the author of an extensive biography on Abraham Lincoln. The grounds of his home were beautiful. Below, you can see some of the sights. He had three scarecrows in his garden, two live, and one not (see below for a photo of this phenomenon).
[Former Picture] Sandburg's wife kept goats, and while we were at the Sandburg home, we learned that his wife held the record for highest milk production for ages, and was well known in goat circles, for whatever worth that may have. Here, you can see me petting a Nubian goat (brought from Africa at some point in Britain's conquering of the free and not-so-free world) named Cooper, the newest arrival at the Sandburg property.
[Former Picture] One of the most strenuous parts of our vacation so far has been my trek up Big Glassy, to the Big Glassy lookout. It was a 1.3 mile trek to the top on a 110' slope. BG isn't the biggest mountain in the world, but it certainly kicked my tail, as I was out the rest of the day, completely exhausted from my climb. In the end, it was so worth it!
[Former Picture] Here's a picture of us, looking very similar to the picture above, at the goat farm.
All in all, we've had a wonderful time here in North Carolina. I met my love's paternal side of the family tonight, and they were so much fun! I think they liked me pretty well, and I liked them too! My love's stepmom is a wonderful cook! Yummy!
More to come! Tomorrow we are going to church and to a big ole father's day lunch.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Goin' to Carolina in my mind...


We are officially at our second official destination! We've left the beach behind for the mountains. I've posted the state sign pictures for your enjoyment!

There were pictures in this post, but I took them out to preserve the anonymity of the blog.

[Former Picture] Here's the entrance to Georgia! We got caught in some traffic in Atlanta, but on the whole, the peach state didn't do us wrong too much! We had georgia on our mind for about four hours of the trip!

[Former Picture] South Carolina was unnotable. We were only there for about an hour. We went through Greenville--the only major city we saw. On the way into North Carolina, we got to see some very scenic views of the mountains. Beautiful!

[Former Picture] We finally made it to North Carolina last night around 8 pm EST. The mountains are breathtaking! My love drove up several precipitous driveways in order to reach the abode of his father, whom I have yet to meet. He is reportedly downstairs, but I have not ventured down there yet, as I am still pajama'd and unshowered.
[Former Picture] When we arrived last night, we got to see a fairy cottage! The house is absolutely adorable. I have only been in one other fairy cottage before, and that was K----'s, which is nestled in the hills outside of ------, TX. Check out the woodburning stove! My love's stepmom is very sweet, and they have an incredible shy dog named Misty. Hopefully she'll warm up to me eventually!
That's all I have for now! More to come! Tonight we plan to go to "Music on Main," where a live band plays on Main Street. We're going to have some BBQ at HubbaHubba's for dinner. So cute!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stick shifts and safety belts!


We're cruising I-85 in Alabama, rapidly approaching the Georgia border. We have about 90 more miles to go until Atlanta, and my love has just broken out the Chex Mix. After Atlanta, we'll hit up Greenville, then Hendersonville. My love is the most amazing driver, albeit slightly choleric when it comes to imbeciles driving around us.

I don't have any pictures for you at this moment, though I will probably post some later of the Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina borders. Get excited! I know I did when my love psyched me out, saying we were approaching the Georgia state line when we really weren't! Cameras ready!

Until then,


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Zoo lose? No, I usually win.


Today, my love and I had the brilliant idea to go check out the Gulf Shores Zoo. Well! It was an interesting experience, to be sure. Let's just say, that if PETA got wind of this operation, they would not be too happy. On the whole, the zoo's animals consisted of those you could buy from the pet store at the mall, minus the camels, wolves, black bears, tigers, lions, and alligators.

There were pictures in this post, but I took them out to preserve the anonymity of the blog.

[Former Picture] This is my love posing with the Siberian Tiger. Rawr!

[Former Picture] This is me, looking mighty sexy, by the same tiger.

[Former Picture] I did not zoom my camera for this one. This tiger was about two arm-lengths from where I was standing. Safety first!

[Former Picture] My love got bold and decided to interact with the wildlife. Of course, I'm not sure just how wild goats are. Did you know that Texas produces 94% of the nation's goats?

In other news, my love and I found a stellar sushi restaurant called Oki Japanese. We went there for dinner last night and tonight. If you are in Gulf Shores, drive on up 59 to Foley, and check out this amazing sushi restaurant. Next time I come through Gulf Shores, I know I'll be going there. Tonight, while we were eating, we talked to a man who was born in Abilene, and had moved to Alabama about 48 years ago (the guy was probably 60). He told us how he came in second in the Texas state pistol competition two years in a row. He must have been good! Apparently, he frequents that sushi restaurant (with good reason!). I recommend the Gulf Shores roll, the Dancing Eel roll, and the American roll. Amazing.
Tomorrow, we're off early to get to North Carolina at a decent hour. Let the next leg of our trip commence!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The seaweed is always greener...


We've had our first day at the beach! The weather this morning was amazing, and we spent two or so hours lounging in the cool water. The last thirty minutes of our water-time was spent vainly trying to catch all of the little fish nibbling our legs! I didn't believe at first that there were fish, but at my love's insistence, I stayed still long enough to let the little ones have a bite, and I was hooked! I wanted to catch one, coming very close a few times. He caught several hermit crabs, the first of which I gave to a little girl swimming near us.

[Former Picture]

After our bodies were exhausted from the sun and the waves, we decided to hit up DeSoto's Seafood Kitchen for lunch. Abandoning the car, we walked across the road running parallel to the shore in order to catch a bite of lunch. My love had stuffed shrimp, and I had Coconut Shrimp (a specialty of the house). I'm still full!

[Former Picture]

After lunch, we walked around to souvenir shops. During our spree, my love was chased by a vicious shark! Luckily, my love conquered in the end. However, we'll be eating shark for the next thirty years, due to his conquest.

[Former Picture]

More to come, as this evening we are planning a rousing game of putt-putt golf!


On our way!


After a great night of sleep, we are about to head out to go to the beach! Hopefully we can find a nice place on the ocean to eat lunch. Other planned activities include (but are not limited to): building a sand castle, going to a souvenier shop, catching crabs, and being in love.

We're on vacation!


Monday, June 15, 2009

We're at the Beach!


That's right! My love and I are at the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama! We had a long day of driving, and at the end of it, we are so tired that we just want to crash!

I found my wallet...I had shoved it into my suitcase at some point. Way to go, me.

I had posted pictures, but to preserve the anonymity of my blog, I have deleted them all!

[Former Picture] Entering Mississippi!

[Former Picture] Entering into Alabama!
[Former Picture] Going through a tunnel in Mobile!
So, those are our adventures so far! We've laughed a ton (well, I've laughed a ton, and he's laughed at me!). The parts where we haven't laughed are when I "lost" my wallet, and when my love thought he was going to run out of gas, but we had plenty left! We laughed after we got gas.
More to come!

Our Trip!


Our trip has begun through nine states! We are jamming to Johnny Cash after our somewhat eventful trip to Houston. How could Houston ever be eventful, you ask, except for shootings and break-ins? Well! After getting gas with my love across from my apartment (after a brief stop there), we went to Chili's, and I noticed my wallet was gone. We had gone too far to go back to the gas station, so we called, and the jerk wouldn't go out and check to see if it was there. I've officially cancelled all of my credit cards and such. Luckily, however, I had put my depit card into my pocket when we got gas. It seems that every cloud does indeed have a silver lining!

As we approach Lake Charles, my love is serenading me! He just said, "And I am going to continue serenading you to the dulcet sounds of Pink Floydd!" Get me out of here!

Just kidding!

We should arrive in Gulf Shores, AL tonight. Tomorrow will be a day at the beach, as will the day after it. Thursday we will disembark from Gulf Shores and head towards North Carolina. Prepare for fun in the sun!


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Auld Lang Syne...


I don't know what it means, but it usually signifies the end of an old year and the beginning of a new year. The old year is definitely over, with all its farting, office referrals, graded papers, and seminars. I am so thankful to have been a part of the school in its first year of establishing itself, and becoming whatever it is that it is going to be. I will miss those kids more than I can say. I already do. I miss them greeting me every day, "Hey Miss, Hey Miss, Hey Miss!" I miss them sharing their hearts and minds with me. I miss their off topic questions and other general elements of obnoxion. I miss telling them things they had never heard about before, even though they think they already know it all.

Next year, there will be a whole new batch of children, in a whole new home town! I got to walk around the school today, and boy! Did it ever bring back memories! They've completely redone the bandhall, adding a whole new wing to the school. Due to the bad storms yesterday, several leaks had been exposed when I walked through. It reminded me of last year, when the new building was always leaking, and we were always checking every nook and cranny after a big storm.

I have a lot to do to get ready for next year. Once my love and I come back from our Tour of the South, I imagine I will really put my nose to the grindstone. We're leaving Monday for almost a month. I'm more excited than I can say. I remember how beautiful Gulf Shores, AL is, and I hope it lives up to the glory of those memories so that my love can enjoy it just as much as I used to when we would go vacationing there as a family.

A No-Longer-New Teacher's List to Get Ready for Next Year:
1. Update procedures PowerPoint: I now know where I need to cut the fat. Dr. Harry Wong is all well and good, but I need to trim down some of the procedures I had in place at the beginning of last year. After your first year, you really figure out what procedures you are willing to commit to, and which ones just take more time than you have.
2. Find out the Sophomore curriculum and see what I can come up with in advance: Since I don't currently have access to the curriculum I will be teaching next year, there isn't much I can do with this yet. I do need to reread To Kill A Mockingbird, because I am fairly sure that will be in the curriculum. I wish I could remember what my department chair's name is. Maybe I have it in an e-mail somewhere.
3. Come up with a new system for handing back papers: My old system does not work, or was not executed in a manner that would lead to success. My current method was to give each child a folder, then file their papers in their folder. In theory, they would occasionally check those folders (which did not happen), and see how they were doing in the class (about which, as it turns out, they do not care until the last week of the grading period, at which time it is too late to help them).
4. Come up with a new system for handing in papers: My old system worked, but led to a messy desk and a stressed teacher. To turn in papers, they had to hand them to me. This limited their ability to pull someone else's paper out of the slot and copy it, but it also made me more apt to lose their papers (which led to some very angry children). I think I will have a bin with hanging folders. Each class will have an "In" folder, and each will have an "Out" folder. This way, they have a place to turn in, and a place to pick up. I can even designte a person to pass back papers, or they can be on a rotation or something.
5. Think about warm-ups (bell-ringers, or whatever): As I will be on the 1.5 hour period schedule, it would not hurt us to do warm-ups. Last year, I kept their journals in bins so they could pick them up when they came in to the room. My system of reading them and grading them broke down completely by the beginning of the third six-weeks, so this needs to be revamped.

I'll stop the list there. Really, all it comes down to is this: What are you willing to stick to and work on the WHOLE YEAR? Things suggested by Dr. Wong, like having the kids hold up two fingers when they need to go to the bathroom would work really well with elementary schoolers, but it isn't practical with high school. Anyway, that's all for now.
