Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The weeks get longer...


Even though this is a four-day week, it feels about like a sixty day week. And it is only Wednesday. WOW. I worked for 13.5 hours yesterday. While I usually do work about 10 hours a day, 3.5 of yesterday was spent in a professional development seminar. 3.5 more hours will be spent in said seminar this evening.

I made a list in the seminar yesterday of careers I could take on other than teaching. Here is the list (in no particular order):
1. Vet clinic (again).
2. Office management.
3. Editing.
4. Graduate school.
5. Lecturer.
6. Waitress (no, I'm not kidding OMG OMG).
7. Merchandizer (again).
8. Secretary.
9. Assistant of some kind.
10. Resume writer.
11. Pet sitter (isn't that what I already do? Oh, wait, no--that's babysitting).
12. PR.
13. HR.
14. Astronaut (kidding).

Any other ideas? I'll take them. I've begun applying to other districts. They are all in the D/FW area. Maybe I shouldn't write that on here, in case some of my coworkers get ahold of this blog. I have set up an appointment to meet with my principal on Friday to let her know that at the end of the year, I'm out of here. Really, I'm meeting with her because I'm going to need her as a reference. I really like her, and all of my coworkers, but I'm just not sure I want to stay in this area. If I do keep teaching, I know that it is going to be in D/FW. I hate Houston.

I wrote up a kid again. I wrote this one up last week too. And I will continue to write her up until she isn't in my class anymore. Maybe this is the wrong attitude, but whatever. You just can't act like that and not face some sort of consequences. These kids think they deserve respect. What they deserve is a spanking. You don't deserve respect. You earn it. Do you think I earned the respect of my elders and peers by being late all the time, swearing at them, breaking rules, refusing to work, etc? No. I got it by hard work. By doing what I am supposed to do.

I am supposed to finish my masters, and that means sticking with this job for the rest of the year. My parents taught me never to quit. I want to quit, but I am not going to. I am going to see this damn thing through to the end. Maybe I'll even learn something or grow personally in some way. I'm not sure how I could help but do so, really. Perserverance builds character.


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