Thursday, October 9, 2008

They aren't all bad...


Good things in my day:
1. The children had tests in both English and Latin. This is good because it gave me lots of time to grade. They are also required to be silent, and I can hold zeroes over their heads as a penalty for talking.

2. After school, I had two girls come in to make up work. It makes me happy when children come in to make up work, because it is a reminder that some of them do care, if only a little, and if only at the end of the six weeks.

3. After school, one of the students who was only in my class for about the first week and a half of school stopped in on his way by. He was just the sweetest thing when he was in my class, and contributed so much to every discussion. I had been very sad when he was put in one of my co-worker's classes. Anyway, he stopped at the door and said, "Hi, Ms. ____!" I greeted him by name, and he told me he just had to stop in and say hi to his favorite teacher. He gave me a hug, and I laughed, thanked him, and reminded him that I wasn't his teacher anymore. He said he wished he were still in my class, because it was his favorite class. We talked for a minute about his new class, and about the Me Boards around the room. He went on his way after that.

4. After the young man and young ladies had gone, two other young ladies, neither of whom I had ever seen before, stopped by and asked if I had anything they could do to get volunteer hours, even though they were not my students. I had them take down and un-tape all of the Me Boards so that the children can take them home tomorrow. They chatted with me and with each other, and it was generally pleasant not to be in there by myself, and not to have to do all of that taking down and untaping by myself.

True, I was at school today from 5:59 AM to 5:57 PM, but it was worth it. I got a lot (albeit not everything) done. I can do the rest tomorrow. All of my grading is done for the six weeks, except late work, which the children may or may not turn in. Minus a headache, things are looking pretty okay. Tomorrow is jeans day, I have a 3-day weekend, I get to go swing dancing on Sunday night, and I might get to talk to my love tonight. Euge (that's Latin for "hooray," according to my students' text)!


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