Friday, October 24, 2008

I can hear the bells...


I am currently in Austin, TX, preparing to attend the wedding of my dearest friend. I can't believe she is getting married. Hopefully, some day, it will be my turn, but I count it one of the greatest gifts I have received to be a part of the goings on related to her wedding.

The children have a substitute today. They will survive. I'm trying not to think about it too much. Four periods have gone by, and the sub is on a nice long break so that they can prepare mentally for seventh.

My department chair for English came in yesterday. She was making her rounds, trying to see how everyone is doing in their respective classrooms. She came during seventh period, which is probably the best time of day she could have come, except for second (Latin). Her feedback was positive, saying that my kids obviously felt comfortable with me, and that I had fostered a positive environment in there. It's a good thing she didn't come during fourth! Actually, I might have liked to have her in there during fourth to give me some ideas, because I'm not sure what to do with them. See the following paragraph for an explanation.

On Tuesday, fourth was unmanageable. I couldn't get their attention, and they were rowdy. Finally, I told them that I was through with them, and they were hereafter responsible for their own education in my class, until I decided that they had earned a teacher. I informed them that when they came in the next day, I would have a slide posted with they day's directions, and that if they didn't do the work, that was up to them, and they could get themselves a zero. So, the next day, I did what I said I was going to do. I didn't talk to them for the whole of 50 minutes. I ignored every request, everything they asked me. I had the slide posted with specific instructions, and most of them actually did the work. Some of them were slacking, and got told off by fellow students who were upset that they weren't getting taught. I even got an apology note from one of them.

Yesterday, I had to talk to them because they were having a test. They asked me (while they had me talking) if theirs was the only class receiving this treatment. I told them they were. I also told them that the silence would resume on Monday upon my return (they knew they were having a sub today). We'll see how it goes.

One of my holy terrors in fourth period has now been moved from one Spanish class to another. His first day in the new Spanish class, he was good. The second day, he was kicked out. He proceeded to come by my room, for whatever reason, and asked if he could hang out. I asked him if Mr. X had kicked him out, and he said yes. I asked him if he was supposed to go to his AP, and he said that Mr. X hadn't specified. I went in and sent his AP an e-mail, and told him that she would be expecting him. Still, he lingered, and disrupted my class for a few minutes longer. The next day, Mr. X kicked him out again. Again, he came by my room and disrupted my class. This time, his AP had called him out of class, and he was on his way to her office. No one is exactly sure what to do with this kid.


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