Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Happy and Grumpy (or, Whistle While You Work)


Because I showered last night, I did not have to get up early this morning to take a shower. The result? I was grouchy for the first three periods this morning. I know myself better than to pull such shananigans. I need a shower to wake up in the morning.

However, I will probably shower tonight, because I am being forced to go to a TAKS training tomorrow morning. In order to demonstrate my rebellion, I will attend in a bad mood. That will show them.

My beloved went to Dallas for the day, in order to accomplish several objectives needing to be dealt with. I am alone right now, but he should be home soon. I am glad he's not at sea right now. For some reason, it seems like this is going to be a long week, and having him here makes everything a thousand times better.

Third period, for some reason, has turned into a very good class. Maybe it seems so good because it is right before fourth period. Proximity lends itself to contrast, and fourth period is terrible, making third look that much better. We'll see if the good behavior in third persists. I can't even put my finger on what exactly has caused the improvement (except for my guess that fourth is becoming increasingly worse). I thought seventh was sort of bad, but my department chair has assured me that they are not (see previous post).

I've begun employing a new tactic to get students to turn stuff in. I list the assignment on the board, and put down their names if they haven't turned it in. I may have mentioned in a previous post that I've started doing this. Today, however, I decided to take it one step farther. I made a list on the board of all the students who are failing. This is legal because I am not listing their exact grade. Hopefully, this will cause some of them to see that they cannot go through my class and not turn in work. Just coming to class is not enough. There must actually be some sort of partakage.

I heard about another teacher who is a friend of the family having to report a child to CPS. I can't imagine having to do this. I haven't noticed any abuse signs in any of my students. I wonder if I would recognize the signs if they were there.

I'm going to go get a shower.


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