Wednesday, October 8, 2008

It Won't Make You Feel Better.


Yesterday, I yelled at my kids for the first, and I pray the last, time. Everyone loses their cool from time to time, but it sure did not make me feel any better once I had gotten it out of my system. In fact, I felt worse, and ended up apologizing to the class. My mother will tell you, I can be volatile. Usually, though, I only lash out at her.

I wrote two of them up. That made me feel better.

As the end of the six weeks approaches, everyone is in panic mode. Surely I am not the only one in the world who keeps up with grades. Everything is graded except for journals that the kids have taken out of the classroom against my orders, and tests that the kids have not taken yet. It seems like my co-workers are rushing around like mad to get things put together. I am just watching in amazement that their heads do not fall off. My secret? I use my conference period wisely, and I stay at school from 6am to 4:30 or 5pm. I take care of e-mails and paperwork right when they come across my desk. I check my e-mail often, and enter grades in the computer as soon as they are marked on the paper. Everyone has their system, and I guess I have mine. I have always been super efficient, even (and especially, it seemed at the time) when taking 18 hours in college.

Here's a shout-out to my team for bearing with me when I was in a tremendously bad mood yesterday in our team meeting. None of them reads this (they do not know it exists), so a lot of good it does.


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