Friday, October 3, 2008

Too Many E-Mails, Parent Phone Calls, Too Little Water


I get about a million e-mails a day from various people. Then, I get duplicates of those when the original e-mails get forwarded to me. I check my email about four times during the school day, and that is hardly enough time to keep up.

I called about thirty parents this week. I spoke with maybe ten, but the ten with whom I spoke were very supportive, albeit surprised that their child was failing or misbehaving or whatever. I assured them that tutorials would go on every morning from 6:30 until 7:15, and every afternoon from 2:45 until 4:30. They liked this very much, and assured me that their little darlings would be scooting into my classrooms at those times. I had one student in this morning at 6:05.

In other news, I had no water yesterday morning. I must take this opportunity to brag about what an amazing school I have. I got to school, shampoo and soap hopefully in tow, thinking that I would seek out a shower in the locker rooms during my off period. I happened to walk by my principal's office, and she inquired about how I was feeling (the day before was my first day back after the migraine, and I was not feeling well at all). I told her I was feeling much better, but that I awoke to dry faucets. Immediately, she asked one of the coaches (who happened to be nearby) if I could go take a shower. The coach said that I most definitely could, and if I needed soap, shampoo, anything, including deodorant, she had it and I was welcome to it. A few minutes later, I ran into my foreign language department chair, who said that she had heard (in a gap of about five minutes) that I had no water, and that she had a towel for me. Not only that, but she was more than happy to sit with my class until I got a shower and could get all ready for the day. By that time, it was 6:45, so my students would be showing up in about 25 minutes (they are always so early). I thanked her, showered, and got back up to my room by 7:15.

So, I baked a pie last night and shared it today with my team, principal, and helpful coach.

I hope you guys have amazing co-workers like I have.



Anonymous said...

wow - that was so generous! you're so blessed to have such great coworkers. school faculty are a very close-knit group, almost like family.

Draco said...

I'm just glad it got turned back on. I swear, you and utilities... It's like you don't want to live with basic comforts. :P