Sunday, October 19, 2008

Week of Insanity.


This week has been OUT OF CONTROL. I will explain.

Tuesday (the first day back...we had Monday off): Got to work around 6:15. Worked like crazy until 2:50, when I sneaked out of the building to avoid having to attend a faculty meeting. I did not do this sneaking without reason or permission. Reason: I had to attend a seminar on how to rate ESL student writing from 4:30-8. Permission: via my team leader for English I. I ran home, got some stuff together, and ran up to our staff development center, where I proceded to "listen" for three and a half hours. I then ran home, and went almost directly to bed.

Wednesday: Got to work around 6:15. Attended a make-up faculty meeting, because I didn't have enough to do. The sophomores took the PSAT, so the schedule was all messed up. I had periods 1st through 3rd 20 minutes longer than I usually have them, which created meyhem for my day's pacing. Upside: 7th period did not meet because of the extended 1st-3rd periods, so my last period of the day to teach was 4th. After school, I ran to HEB to get supplies for cornbread and cake. I then went to the rest of that seminar until around 7:30. Silver lining: I got to talk to my love :) After the seminar, I ran home and whipped up some from-scratch cornbread (easy as Corn-Kits, and tastes better). I stayed up too late (talking to my love, so it was ok), but got to sleep eventually.

Thursday: Got to work around 6:15. Taught my extremely chatty children until 2:30, then had a meeting about going to Italy. That lasted until 4:30, then I sat and talked with two of the other chaperones until 5:15. I ran to the taqueria, got a taco for dinner, and went to 25 minutes of the JV game. We were winning when I left, but that did not last (eheu!). One good side of today was that we had the chili cook-off for which I cooked the cornbread. Our team did not win, but I got free lunch, so that was good. We had chili cook-off t-shirts. They are "sexy," according to one of my girls in 3rd period. After the game, I talked to my love, and made a heart-shaped cake for the bachelorette party I attended/threw this weekend.

Friday: Got to work around 6:15. Taught my out of control chatty children until 2:30. I then met with my principal about applying to Dallas districts. I really respect and admire her. She was supportive, but also encouraged me to think over my options and really give Houston a chance. She promised she was going to give me good references, which was relieving. I'm going to put my reference form in her box this week, because those are due next week to one of the ISDs to which I am applying. That is the only one that has that kind of deadline, otherwise, I would wait a little longer so as not to appear to eager to leave. I assured her I would finish out the year with gusto. After that meeting, I ran home, made icing, iced the cake (if I never see pink icing again, that will be ok), got my skirt altered, packed, and drove to Austin to meet my mother, the bride-to-be, and the mother of the bride for dinner.

It was very refreshing to see some of my girlfriends this weekend.


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