Wednesday, March 9, 2011

S! F! D! B!


A student got up and went outside to blow his nose. Though this student is usually flippant and somewhat offensive, he was actually very polite and wore nice clothes today.

Anyway, he finished his nose-blowing and came back in. He shoots, he misses! He said, "S!" Another student went, "F!" They said the letters. As if I would not know what they were abbreviating. They do think I am dumb, since I am an adult and have had life experiences, so why wouldn't they abbreviate?

I said, "Please do not use such harsh letters." They did not get it. I am not kidding.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kids these days, they're getting lazier every year. When I was a kid, I'd at least say "WTF" or "FML." One letter abbreviations? Whew....that's just too much.