Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Like A Chicken...


One of my kids just started making chicken noises. Ah, the dream job!

So, I only have six students right now, due to two absences, two in ISS, one at a tennis tournament, and two in TELPAS. I think it really may be the dream job. I did not get into graduate school, so it is time once again to start accentuating the positive. I only "work" 187 days a year. On top of that I have eight days I can take off at will. I get to make a difference (every teacher has to tell herself this). I get to make a difference. I have to make a difference or why am I here?

Anyway, the kids have been good. None of them have gotten beaten up in the last two weeks, and though some of them just informed me they have never heard of the "Oregon Trail" computer game, they are being generally likable. I know that them being likable is not really interesting or blogworthy, but I thought I would report it anyway (since we are accentuating the positive, after all). I was not assigned an Advisory class (20 minute TAKS instruction class on Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday), so I get an extra break after second period to breathe. Things at work really could not be better, unless second period had a vocalchordectomy.

Today is the first day of Lent. What better time than to reflect on the joy of my job? In a season of self examination and self sacrifice, I would say there is real happiness in being a teacher. At this moment, writing this blog, I really believe that.



Unknown said...

Haven't heard of the Oregon Trail? Pfft, where else are you supposed to shoot as many buffalo as you like?

magistra said...

Right. I know. It was a staple of all our childhoods.

In college, some guys projected it out of their fourth floor dorm room window onto the neighboring building so that they played Giant Pixelated Oregon Trail. I hope I never forget that.