Friday, March 4, 2011

Go with the Fluo[rine] (or, What Happens When You Assign An Asinine Project)


During my conference period, as I come around the corner and start to unlock my room, I hear, "Are you Mrs. ----?"

This could mean one of several things:
1) The Anime Children have recruited another Anime Child.
2) I am in trouble (unlikely).
3) I am getting interviewed for the paper or yearbook.
4) I have something someone wants.

In this case, the answer was behind door number four. The students asked, "Can we use your classroom to make a science video?"

This is not something you expect to hear in my hallway. The closest science room is, well, not very close. So, like the pro I am, I make a face expressing my confusion but let them in anyway. It is not like I have kids right now, and clearly, since I am blogging, I do not have a whole lot else on my plate at the moment.

They proceed to get on a computer, and door number four is opened again. They need speakers, so I provide. I ask what their project is over, and they answer, Platinum, and once the speakers are hooked up proceed to play an odd version of "Poker Face" by Lady Gaga. It might be as bad as the Glee version, though I am not sure anything is that awful.

Ladies and Gentlemen, the hit you have been waiting for: Platinum Rap by Things 1&2, feat. Mutant Poker Face.

To close, because I could not resist some periodic table joke...

Q: Why did Chuck Norris destroy the periodic table?
A: Because he only recognizes the element of surprise.


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