Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Every day, after third period, I have to stand in the hall for 10 minutes and do "duty" (laugh, go ahead). The hall in question is a cross-roads. It intersects the bottom of a set of stairs, two major hallways, a bathroom, and is 20 feet from the cafeteria. My only job here is to make sure the children keep walking. That is it. That is all I have to do.

For your convenience, I have provided a diagram. While the whole duty thing may sound easy, and easy it can be, there are children who do not want to make it easy.
Take Joe for example (code name in effect). Every day, Joe stands at the same spot. He is the red dot on the diagram above. And every day, I walk out there during passing period, and politely ask him to move. I say, "Sir, I need you to continue walking, please." I say it with a smile. I say it with sweetness. I should be the Sugar Plum Fairy. Where is my freaking tutu?
Usually, Joe rolls his eyes, stands there just long enough to make it look like he is not moving because I asked him to but of his own free will, then goes on his way. Today, however, was special.
I put on my usual sugary sweetness, and for the first time, he retaliates! He says confrontationally, "Don't you have anything to do besides bother me? Gah! Get a new hobby!" I say, "Sir, I'm only doing my job. I ask the same thing of everyone." This is where I wanted to tell him he is not special, but I held it in. I am a professional, after all. He continued in the same veine for about a minute, going on about my "hobby" of harassing him in particular.
But you know what? At the end of his harangue, he moved on, like he does every day. Perhaps he thinks I will not bother him tomorrow, since he verbally abused me today. Actually, his "rapier wit" makes me want to go out there even sooner. I am motivated to go to duty! It is a miracle, and I have Joe to thank. I should make him a card. You know what it would say?
It would say, "Thank you. See you tomorrow."

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