Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Then fall, Caesar.


Twice in one day? No, it isn't the apocolypse.

What have we learned about the comical situation regarding the sleeping/standing student? That if you torture a student and then they walk out, it makes more work for you.

I already knew this lesson, but review never hurts.

I had no intention of writing up the student, but here is what happened:

The student went to the assistant principal's office, as he said he would. Fabulous. Rather than calling me and requesting a prompt office referral, the office let him sit in there and briefly talk with the assistant principal. After school, the student came back to me. I asked him what happened, and he told me the above. I called the office assistant to verify, to discover that what he told me was true. The assistant asked that I fill out an office referral for the student's act of walking out. I know the referral is the right course of action, but the student is the one who referred himself to the office, so he should have to write the referral. I've made a student fill out his/her own office referral before, but it slipped my mind until I had time to sit down and contemplate on this blog.

Oh well. As I said, review never hurts. I have to go put this in the assistant principal's box now.


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