Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Et tu, Brute?


We're reading Julius Caesar at the moment. If you don't know, Caesar was a real person, but Shakespeare also knows how to take the artistic license, so to speak. Sure, it isn't the most interesting play that the Texas State Board of Educators could have chosen, but it isn't the worst. We could be reading the Henry plays, the which I was supposed to read in college. I, of course, did not read them, but took my chances. I would never encourage my students to do such a thing, though sometimes such a thing is the best thing to do.

Friends, Romans, countrymen! Lend me your ears!

To my right, on the opposite side of the room, a student is standing up. Why? Because he sleeps every day, and I've had quite enough of that. The student's chief complaint in having to stand up is that he fears all the blood will rush to his legs. Perhaps the statement was made in jest, perhaps not. It is hard to tell with this one. Anyway, he's having to stand for about thirty minutes, which is certainly in his best interest, per my observations. What have we learned from this? Don't sleep, or Magistra will make you stand up far from any apparatus on which to lean.

HAHAHA! He just walked out, opting to go to the office rather than stand up and pay attention. Do you know what I said? I said, "See you tomorrow!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember being weirdly moved by Julius Caesar when we read it in high school. I'm not sure what that was about. I think my favorite thus far is Othello. Such drama!