Wednesday, March 24, 2010

It's almost time to go: I need tape.


What will happen today in Magistra's classroom? Through the various periods, the children have been up to no good.

A group of three students in third period has decided to see what they can get away with without me noticing. None of their activities are dangerous or ill-intended, but instead are of the gambling nature. How long can I stand behind the tall metal cabinet blowing my nose until Magistra notices? How long can I sit on the floor after the bell before Magistra says something? What happens if I ask Magistra for a hug? At the moment, I find their shenanigans somewhat amusing, but I'm not sure how long I will tolerate them.

The title of the post is the quote of the day. Towards the end of first period, a child approached my desk, and said, "It's almost time to go: I need tape." I just moved on with my day, hoping that the tape would be used for some sort of communal good, intended to occur soon after the student's departure from the classroom.

Fourth period's strangeness is less severe. A student held up a ball made of masking tape. "Miss, look at my tape ball." Clearly, the child has far too much time in art class. I told him it was interesting in such a way that he would know that I was not interested. Naturally, he had to toss it to another student, at which point I had to threaten to confiscate it. I love baby-sitting.

I had made a list of things that happened today. As so often occurs with my note-taking, I wrote down some key words which I later forgot what they meant. The word at the top of the list was "Easter." I'm sure whatever scenario inspired the note was very funny, but it is lost forever.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! I giggled muchly whilst reading this. This was my favorite bit:

"I just moved on with my day, hoping that the tape would be used for some sort of communal good..."

I can very clearly hear you saying all of this. :) I like your writing.