Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Forget American Idol...

...try Anime Idol!


I can't remember what I wrote last. However, I'm not sure I keep this updated enough for it to matter. I'm in the second semester at my new job. I became the Anime Club sponsor some time ago (Septemberish), and have been having an interesting time, to say the least.

Today is Anime Idol. This show has been in the works for some weeks. It involes three of our female members (acting as Randy, Paula, and Simon) judging several others of our members singing non-Anime related songs. The songs performed are:
1. "The Campfire Song" from Spongebob Squarepants
2. "Won't Give Up" by Hillary Duff
3. "What I've Done" by Linkin Park
4. "Without You" from Spongebob Squarepants
5. "I Have A Dream" from Mamma Mia!
6. "Let the Little Lady Talk" by Capital Lights

We even have a Ryan Seacrest, using a coke bottle as a mic. I know, right? In the audience, we have approximately ten adolescents waving their arms or headbanging, as appropriate. Believe me, we are getting this all on video, and the public will not be denied what it wants: the much anticpated CD/DVD special edition "First Annual Anime Idol" music and video.

The show just took an interesting turn. The girls as their "Judge Selves" are doing their rendition of Beyonce's "Put a Ring on It" dance. What will happen next in the thrill that is Anime Idol!?!?

But on a more serious note, I have really enjoyed being the Anime Club sponsor. I was hesitant at first, not wanting to take on too much, but the kids really run themselves. If you will, imagine the kind of kid that comes to Anime Club. I won't go into specifics. They are so supportive of one another, no matter what nerdiness comes out of each meeting.

And the winner is...
"Second place, in this contest, is [Mama Mia!]! And, first place, in this Anime Idol (like there are any other ones) is...[Hillary Duff]!"

Now, a rousing chorus of "We are the Champions" by Queen.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"If you will, imagine the kind of kid that comes to Anime Club."

Ha! I giggled. :)