Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today was the first day I have left my children with a substitute. There was no avoiding it. I woke up this morning feeling alright (with a slight migraine "hang over"), but as soon as my shower was over, BOOM, came another aura. I knew this did not bode well, as I had two auras last night, along with the aforementioned numbness that had not yet happened when I wrote the previous blog. For the record, I had another aura later today as well, around 10:30. I could not drive, nor could I read, so I decided that I should just keep the sub.

Apparently, my school is still standing, and my children were only a little bad. Some of them were (according to a coworker) blatantly disrespectful and disobedient to the substitute. Children, if ever you see this blog, I know who you are, and I am coming for you. Others of my coworkers assure me that the day went fine. I am anxious to see what the substitute said about my class, if he left a note at all (I know it was a male from various reports). If they were bad, it was because I was not there, not because the substitute was inept, or because they are dumb. They are dumb, it is true, but that is not why they were bad. Does that make sense? I'll update you on how tomorrow goes (if anyone, besides my mother and my darling, even reads this or cares).

Once I can drive again, I really must get to the grocery store. I have no ice cream in my freezer.



Anonymous said...

I read every single post!!! I really appreciate that you take the time to write a few words about your experiences as a first-year. I gotta prepare myself, and I want to know what's coming!


Anonymous said...

It's fun to see inside your mind and what you are thinking. Like a mom's look into a diary. I know you don't think so, but you are a blessing to these kids. Maybe, somehow they will realize it. -mom-