Saturday, September 13, 2008

What is the Latin word for "Hurricane Ike"?

I have evacuated to Dallas. At first, I played off the impending strike of Ike as media sensationalism, but then I thought, I only have one life, so why not continue to live it in certain safety from the gusts, etc? My dear and I made our way to the Big D on Thursday, as school was closed on Friday, and all activities were cancelled for Thursday afternoon. Expecting to hit major traffic on I-45, we by-passed the gridlock via College Station. Apparently we were ahead of the major wave of evacuees, and even had time to stop at good ole Haiku Sushi for some dinner. Delightful.

I wrote up my first child this week. The aforementioned eloper got his just desserts. I felt more giddy than I probably should have. No, that's not true. I felt every bit as giddy as I deserved to feel. I also spoke with some parents, and several problems that have plagued me since the beginning of school (sleeping student, resistent-to-following-directions-and-turning-in-work student) are now inconsequential, or are on their way to being so. My advice to anyone: just call the parent. It will make a world of difference, and you might find out things you need to know that no one else is going to tell you. Most parents really are interested in their child's education, even if the child is not.

I haven't heard if we are having school on Monday. I'm fairly certain that my part of the city does not have power. My aunt and uncle live in the next suburb over, and they are without power AND water. One of my fellow teachers lives about seven miles north of me, and she has power just fine. I called my complex, and no one answered, which does not bode well, as they are meant to be open today. However, I did not read carefully the "Hurricane Preparedness" notice they sent out, so perhaps they are closed for Ike.

I'll keep you posted on the goings on...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I'm glad things are looking up. Hopefully the kids are getting the picture that you mean business.

Back to school yet? My parents still don't have power. Hopefully everything will return to "life as usual" as soon as possible.

Keep the posts coming!
