Friday, September 5, 2008


I had a kid escape from class today. No, I'm not kidding.

I've been having trouble with this individual since the individual came into my class about five days ago. The student acts as a distraction to the students surrounding, and it has been getting worse and worse despite my best efforts to redirect and put a stop to this behavior. Today, the students were doing individual work that was more unstructured. They were coloring and that sort of thing, so they were allowed to get out of their seats. I won't go into all the stuff that was going on, but it boiled down to me having a discussion with the student and two other students encouraging him to listen to me. The student smarted off, and eventually I asked the student to sit on his own and work without distracting others. Eventually I coaxed the student into doing this (with the prodding of other students), and let the student be so that the student could work.

Then, I hear someone say "Where's So-And-So-With-Whom-You've-Been-Having-Trouble?" I look up and indeed the person is gone. GONE. WHAT? So I sent an email to the AP in charge of that student's part of the alphabet. We'll see what happens.

Really, do the kids think they are going to get off for this kind of nonsense? It was the last 25 minutes of the day, but that isn't the point. We have cameras. We have email. We have their name, phone number, address, and probably their retina-print, so what do they think they are doing? I guess there is no thinking, which is the kicker. Ok, I'm out for the day. TGIF.


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