Saturday, September 20, 2008

Home again, home again.


I'm on my way back home, via Austin. My dearest friend has a bridal shower today in said capitol city, so after the pre-nuptial festivities, I will be hitting HEB to fill my cooler, then heading east. I am supposed to return to school on Monday, sans students. Lesson re-planning will commence.

Who knows what awaits me upon my return. I assume my milk has exploded in my fridge, and if that is the worst that has happened, then I will be thrilled. My little Christmas lights on my porch are probably gone, but let's hope not. I paid $9.99 for them, so surely they were able to endure through some silly hurricane. Right. I have power, according to my apartment complex, and they've cleaned up the tree debris around the place. Last I heard, there is still a curfew in place in the evenings, but I haven't talked to anyone in a few days, so who knows. It will be nice to get back to the daily grind on Monday, I think.

I had a nightmare last night that I had a whole load of new students, and not enough desks, so many of them had to sit on the floor. The girls were all doing their makeup while I was teaching, and had makeup bags identical to mine, except that theirs were newer, and mine looked a little more worn. My document camera had been replaced by a regular overhead, which was set on a desk, instead of on a cart. My projector was now in a chair-attached-desk (I have chair-detached desks in my room, currently), which folded strangely in the top to reveal a computer control panel of some sort. None of the equipment worked like it should, of course. There were three other teachers in there talking over me and trying to teach what I was teaching. The kids weren't listening, it was so noisy, and everything was just a mess.

Let's hope this is not the case on Tuesday, when the children come.


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