Monday, September 29, 2008

Case of the Mondays.

Today was not as good as Friday. But, every day cannot be perfect, right? Especially when you're wrangling 130 ninth graders. To add to the chaos, I had major heartburn this morning. First period seems to choose days to be collectively uncooperative. Today was one of those days. The heartburn only lasted for my first two periods, thankfully, before it subsided during third period. The kids were working on projects on their own, so I was not the center of attention, and was able to take a minute to breathe.

Seventh period was unusually rambunctious, which I did not mind, as my heartburn was gone, and I was feeling pretty good. They got a little loud, and I had to get on to a few of the regulars, but other than that, nothing significant happened.

I have been grading their first compositions. The first thirty or so (the ones turned in on time) were really good. I was suprised at their ability to find a voice and tell a story without too much direction. The ones I have graded tonight (the ones turned in late) have been less thrilling. Only one or two have impressed me. Of course, I'm also a little grumpy because I am not on the weekend. In addition, my body thought it would be a good day to rebel. I have a wicked migraine, and the words on the screen are disappearing more and more every second. Forgive typos...I cannot actually read very well right now.

This is my first [what I consider] real migraine of the year, meaning, it is my first migraine with an aura. If you do not know what a migraine aura is, go to:

They give a pretty good description in the first paragraph of that article. "Visual disturbance" (the way an aura is usually described) is kind of a lame term for what I experience, but whatever. At least I can feel my right side of my body (for now). If this worsens during the night, I am going to have to call in a sub for tomorrow. Lately, my low-grade migraines have been rather frequent, but I have not had any aura (huzzah, right?). I could attribute it to stress, but I think the weather is about to chage, so that could contribute as well. My love being gone is a weight on my poor brain, as is the struggle of being a first year teacher. My brain just cannot handle the additional stimuli of a day with heartburn, an extra department meeting, extra paperwork, etc.

I need a hug.


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