Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Now For Some Frivolity!


Yesterday, my kids were cute.

One of my former students stopped in during third period to say hi. He is a cheerleader, a junior, and a good-looking young man. He comes by almost every day, sometimes twice or three times. Anyway, my student left after bidding me hello, and I saw one girl lean to another and mouth, "He is so cute!"

No one else saw this exchange, and as they were supposed to be paying attention, I mildly chastised them (honestly, I couldn't help but laugh as I did so), and they dissolved into giggle fits. No one else in the class had heard what they said, so they were somewhat confused by our laughter. I got them back on track and the rest of class was uneventful.

My former student came back in after I had sent the class on their way to my teaching partner's room.

I told him what had happened (though I did save the girls' dignity by not telling him which they were). He decided to drop in on my teaching partner to say hi. When he popped out and then popped in again, he reported that upon his entrance some girls had once again dissolved in fits of giggles, and he got a big kick out of being admired. Silly children!

That story sounded better when I told it out loud before.


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