Thursday, February 17, 2011

Miss, You Look Exhausted.


I am exhausted, oh observant-student-who-made-the-title-of-this-post.

I was up here last night until 8PM. When I posted yesterday, I still had two and a half hours to go! WHY?

Today, I had a student come in with his tattoo uncovered. I ask him to cover it every day that he has his long sleeves pushed up. He has never come in here with it showing that I have not asked him to cover it. It's the rules, it's dress code, and there are no two ways about it.

So today, apparently he thought the world had changed and the Code of Conduct had been revised for his benefit. Thankfully, he's a good kid (good=mostly cooperative), and didn't give me any trouble. He left the room, presumably to go attempt to cover the tattoo. When he came back, it was still uncovered, and he sent himself to ISS. I didn't even have to do anything. It was sort of surreal.

Hopefully he showed up to ISS, so that when I call to check on him, there isn't trouble.

What else will this day bring? I may leave early.


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