Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Only Sleeping, Take One.


It's 7am. I've been awake a while. Title song here.

Naturally, I did not have to be awake. It is a snow day. Perhaps this post might have been better entitled, "Let It Snow," as I feel that might be the holiest of prayers right now. Some people might dislike being cooped up in the house. It is my favorite thing at this moment.

I am, however, pleased with myself for going to the grocery store before Blizzaga IV hit my town.

I could go into the usual rant about how Texans cannot drive in the ice, etc. However, I would not know if they can or cannot, because you will not catch me outside of my house if it is below freezing (generally). I will go to work, I suppose, if forced, but I will do it as quickly as possible, thus making it more difficult for one to catch me being out of doors in sub-30 degree temperatures.

There exists a distinct masochistic pleasure in losing sleep on my days off. On days when I have to get up to go to work, I cannot drag my sorry self out of bed. On days when I do not have to get up until the next day, I find myself awake at the unholy hour of [omitted for its shock factor of earliness]. Now, do not misunderstand me. I enjoy a good sleep-in as much as the next mid-twenties female. The pleasure lies in knowing that I am using the minutes, enjoying the moments, savoring the seconds when I could have been at work. If I am asleep, how can I experience that joy? I would be asleep, people! If awake, regardless of how early, I am soaking up the brilliant fact that I do not have to be up and that I do not have to face the world.

What a lark! What a plunge!

Though I might counter Virginia and her Mrs. Dalloway with the inestimable Bilbo Baggins, when he says, "It's dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no knowing where you might be swept off to."

At present, I do not care to be swept off, as I find myself happily entangled in my own mind.

Enjoy your day off, should you read this and have one.

And if you did not have a day off, as I know some of you did not, revel in the fact that you have something consistent in your life to cling to no matter what happens. I am not sure that is an entirely comforting thought, but maybe it will help ease the pain of being freaking freezing cold on your way out the door.


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