Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Anime Idol Again.


It's that time of year again. Time. For. Anime. Idol.

If you missed last year's Anime Idol, here is the link to the blog post:

We have our Randy, our Paula, and our Simon, who are played by the same three girls as last year.

We have our Ryan Seacrest, played by the same student as last year, wielding his Coke-bottle microphone.

And we have our various acts.

What you've all been waiting for:
1) Youtube Rap (inappropriate content)
2) Medly of Rick Astley and Pokemon
3) Pokemon Theme Song (the child started out singing really horribly, then another child dragged it off the stage, and into the hall...a fake-mustacio'd child, looking remarkably like the dragged child, appeared to finish the song in a dramatic Spanish accent)
4) Awake and Alive by Skillet (Dramatic)
5) Card Captor Somethinginjapanese Theme Song
6) If You Were Gay (?)
7) Soldier Side by System of a Down (Dramatic)
8) Last-Minute-Give-Me-A-Request-I-Want-The-Prize Song (Which turned into "What Hurts Most" as done by Cascada)
9) L-O-V-E by Nat Cole King [sic]
10) Something I can't might have been rap?
11) Dirty Pop by N'Sync



Lesson: Preparation is no good. If you just throw something together at the last minute because the prize is cool, you're sure to get what you want.

And so you see. This has everything to do with Anime. Or something.

At least he kids have fun, which I guess is really all that matters.




Claire Legrand said...

This is one of the most hilarious things ever. <3

magistra said...

Anime Idol just can't help itself.