Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pizza or Paper?


Today was the Special Program's award ceremony. Any student who passed all of their classes received a certificate, and any student who made straight A's got a certificate and a gift card. We had seven out of 64 make straight A's. I cannot even begin to say how proud I am of my kids. Some of them have worked harder than they (or I) ever thought they could (or would). Not only that, but they got pizza.

It may surprise you, but some were more pleased to get the certificate than the food. Kids these days! Yeesh!

Today I have to give a special shout-out to a friend of mine. I admire her more than I can say. I hope she will not mind me mentioning that her mother is going through some very difficult medical treatment, and it has affected my friend greatly. Nonetheless, my dear friend has persevered (as we all knew she would, of course) and continued to be the strong person she always has been. In the face of so much heartache, the rest of us can only look to her example and yank our problems quickly into their proper place and perspective. Thank you, friend, for being a hero and example in this difficult time of your life.

If you are interested, my friend's blog is kickass. It is here. Prepare to be whimsicalized.

In other news, Anime Club is cancelled today because of what I thought was a mandatory meeting about some changes that are coming to our school district next year. I have found out today that said meeting is not in fact mandatory. Thus, Anime Club will remain cancelled, and I will be scooting myself out of the building with all haste. Nap time, here I come!

Oh, sweet reprieve!

To continue on a victorious note...

An interaction between a student and myself:
Student: Can I go to my locker?
Me: What for?
S: I need to get something for my next class.
M: You can go on your passing period.
S: But we have that award ceremony.
M: You will have plenty of time.
S: But I don't feel like going to my locker on my passing period.
M: Your feelings in this matter are of no interest to me.

HAHAHAHA! I get to do that because I am the teacher. WORD.

If you have never seen Taylor Mali do his slam poem, "What Teachers Make," I highly recommend looking it up on YouTube. I would link you, but YouTube is Strictly Forbidden at work. The above conversation reminds me of the segment of WTM that goes something like:

"I make kids sit through 40 minutes of study hall
In absolute silence. No, you cannot work in groups.
No, you cannot ask a question, so put your hand down.
Why can't you go to the bathroom? Because you're bored,
And you don't really have to go, do you?!"

That's right, Taylor! They can hold it! I bear witness!


1 comment:

Claire Legrand said...

Okay, so your smackdown of that student's locker wishes make me want to stand up and applaud (which I would do were I not so consumed with consuming my lunch).

And <3 for the shoutout. You're wonderful. *hugs*