Friday, January 21, 2011

Accentuate the Positive!


In reading over my last few blog posts, it occurred to me that I have been far too negative. I do not want anyone thinking that I hate my job. I definitely do not want anyone thinking that I dislike my students. Quite the contrary! I love my job, and I am very blessed to have it. Teaching jobs are hard to come by in our current economic climate, and one as nice as mine is especially rare. As for my students, there is not a single one that I regret currently having in class. There is not a single one that I wish would leave and never come back. They are all so different, so interesting, so angsty! How could one not love their ever-changing moods, their poorly-masked need for approval, and their desire to achieve?

Teenagers have a desire to achieve? Mine do. They are not in this special program because they are slackers. Some of them slack off, yes, but none of them are slackers. Circumstances get in the way of success sometimes. However, in the face of so many people who expect them to fail due to race, ethnicity, behavior records, or socioeconomic situations, my students stand up and refuse to fall into the stereotypes. They want more. I just have to remember that right now, they are so young, and are not yet that which they will become. But they will be. And that is all I need to know.


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