Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dream a little dream!

It is only the first week.

It is only the first week.

It is only the first week.

I have to keep telling myself this. Not to sound cliche or anything, but this is a marathon, not a sprint!

Last night was rough! I dreamed about school the whole night. I am fairly certain that these dreams stemmed from my feelings of inadequacy. I feel like I haven't prepared my kids for their test on Wednesday. My passion for teaching English is having a hard time thriving. I know it is only the first week, but I'm pretty sure that my love for Latin has overtaken my love for English. Then again, it could just be my classes? I don't know. Either way, I want to do better this week. My students were not engaged last week. I had them write me letters on Friday rather than doing their scheduled warm-up. I asked them to tell me what I needed to know about them and what I could do to make the class better. Honestly, if I were in my English class, I'd be bored. I'm going to do better this week.

It is only the first week.

It is only the first week.


1 comment:

Draco said...

Sometimes it's easy to intellectually know something - like, for example, it's only the first week and that it's wrong to gauge the entire year by it - but even knowing, we still doubt. The kids don't know you yet, but you still come back with stories about how you're connecting with them. They will realize how much you care about them and what you're doing and it will turn into a mutually beneficial symbiosis. You'll be like the little bird that sits on the rhino, only your job is to pick the brutes clean of wrong-thinking and mold them into better Latinists and/or writers-slash-readers.

Nose to the grinding stone and keep running the marathon. You're doing fine and you'll soon be doing even better.