Saturday, August 16, 2008

Let it be(gin). Coepiat.

Salvete, mulieres et viri!

This is my teacher-blog. If you haven't figured it out, I teach Latin (among other things).

I am a first year teacher at a brand new high school.

Orientation started this week, even though I don't start "paid employment" until next Monday (and don't get paid until a month from yesterday). I have also been going to professional development, which I may or may not be getting paid for. But, everyone knows--teachers don't do it for the money. If they did, there wouldn't be any teachers.

Honestly, I've been having a great time learning how to be a teacher. My room is really coming aunt and uncle were kind enough to move a bookshelf from my third story apartment to my second story classroom. They even were kind enough to take me out to dinner.

Having moved to a new city, I am finding that things aren't as easy as they were where I came from. I knew where everything was. My couch fit into my apartment doorway. There was not an insane amount of traffic at 2:30 on a Tuesday afteroon. My phone worked. I'd say my internet worked, but it rarely did, and it is up again in my apartment as of a few hours ago (I was able to fix it, because I got a phone that worked, and thus could call AT&T). Cops were lenient (I got a ticket on Wednesday). My tires were inflated (I got a flat on Thursday).

N.B. I am very happy to be living here. My apartment is clean and safe. People at my job are incredibly supportive and kind. A couch is on its way. I miss my boy friend, yes, but I think we are handling all this very well (especially now that my phone works...). My flat is fixed as of this morning, and I imagine I'll take care of my defensive driving course in a matter of weeks or's been four years since the last one, so I don't recall much about how long these things take.

I plan to keep you all updated on what is going on. I won't be giving any student names, and I probably won't tell any scenarios that would give away who all was involved. Thus, the blog might be a little bland for a while, until I get a few classes of kids up a few grades to where it doesn't matter what stories I tell. I hope you'll bear with me, as I'll need all the support I can get.


"Anything you want to be, you can be. You can be just what-all you want." -Mary Pereira, Midnight's Children by Salman Rushdie

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