Sunday, August 17, 2008


...I went on a cruise. When going through customs on the way back into the United States, behind me in line were two ladies. Both of them happened to be teachers, so naturally we hit it off. When I told them I was a first year teacher, they just could not contain themselves, sharing advice and stories. One piece of advice they gave me was to write down all of the things no one tells you, and then put it into a book entitled Things No One Told Me. I've been trying to compile a list in my head--unsuccessfully. I haven't yet hit a moment when I had to say to myself, "Agh! No one told me that!" Of course, I don't have students yet, the first week of school isn't over, and I'm still not on contract until tomorrow at 7:30 in the morning. I am confident that the minute my contract starts, the real "stuff" will hit the fan. No doubt it will be fun. Just like the cruise I went on, where everything was F-U-N. Carnival: the funship.


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