Wednesday, August 27, 2008

"Life moves pretty fast..."

The first three days of school are over! I've been conspicuously absent from my blog, as I've been extremely busy with getting school started.

In other news, my power went out this weekend, so the problem of me not having a working internet connection became moot. There's a sunny side to everything, I suppose. My boyfriend is here, and that makes me extremely happy. We got to cook together at my aunt and uncle's house this weekend (we certainly couldn't hang around my hotter-than-hot aparment).

My kids are...interesting. I am not sure how much I am allowed to write about them. Just let me say, that I already love them so much...even the ones who are giving me trouble. I assume they just want attention when they act like they do, so I've moved them to the front of the classroom so that they can be as close to me as they seem to want to be.

It is bed time (I am having to go to bed around nine o'clock every night so that I can go to school at 5:45 in the morning). HOPEFULLY now that my internet works, I can update the blog more with fun stories. I have a particularly fun one that happened today, involving an eyebrow ring and vindication, so maybe I'll get that in tomorrow.

Until then...

Magistra Sapiens ;)

1 comment:

Draco said...

What a lucky guy, getting to be there as you start your first teaching job! You're doing great and I can't wait to see where it takes you. :)