Friday, April 1, 2011

Exams are for the Weak.


I was done with students at 9:00 this morning, due to exams and it being a half day, but I still had to go to duty. The students attended third and fourth only today, so I saw third period first thing this morning.

Out in the hall, before school, Joe was hanging around outside my room talking to some friends. I asked him why he was not at his usual post yesterday (he had deprived me of the daily dose of attitude, for whatever reason). He babbled on about this or that, and I told him I missed bothering him. He just laughed and smiled with those vacant eyes.

Later, as I walked to my duty station, I saw a young lady push a young man, and the young man retaliated by whacking her on the head with a rolled up piece of paper. I told them to be nice to one another, and who should the young man chance to be upon turning around? My favorite duty-time trouble maker, the aforementioned Joe!

He still had about thirty feet to cover in order to beat me to my duty station, so he laughed an insane cackle and ran ahead of me to get there first. Once I got there, he asked how I was doing, and we exchanged pleasantries. I asked him if he got an A on his third period final (I knew he hadn't, because he spent third standing in the hall making bird noises), and he told me that of course he had. I congratulated him and then told him to move along. Again he laughed an insane laugh, and walked on down the hallway with a bounce in his silly step.

Oh, my job.

Remind me why I wanted to leave again?


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