Friday, May 15, 2009

Wow. I'm negligent.


I haven't written in forever! It has been a busy semester, with a lot of stress and a lot of news.

I had, as you know, resigned from my job in hopes of finding another job in my hometown area. Well! I interviewed with two districts and got an offer yesterday from my alma mater. I have accepted it, and will be moving back into the area whence I came. I am both excited and very nervous, since, as someone pointed out on my Facebook, I will now be peers with people who used to be my superiors. I had already considered this, of course, and all weirdness that it will entail. I will be calling Dr. Courtney "Marty" and Ms. Kippes whatever name is her first name. I will be on the English II team. The woman I had for English II, Ms. Arnold, no longer works at the school, or has a different last name (unlikely), so that weirdness is removed. She wouldn't remember me anyway, since I hardly remember her, and she has had way more students than I have had teachers in the past ten years.

At least I won't have to go far for my ten year reunion.

In other news, the year is winding down. TAKS is completely over, and now we're just awaiting scores. The children are getting antsy, and I have turned in many for skipping (for some reason they like to skip outside of my room, even though it is on the main hallway of the school by the offices. They are just crying out for help).

The hardest thing for me this year was losing a student that I had worked hard with and for. We'll call him John. John had been a problem for me all year. He was in a gang, had been involved in numerous violent activities, and gave me attitude whenever he could muster it. He also was the sweetest thing, and could write very well (lovely cursive, and wonderful voice). However, his family situation was rough, and his position at my school was threatened. Through all the trials of the year, he and I had built a relationship in which he trusted me to come through for him and to take up on his behalf. He came to me in February and let me know that he was going to be withdrawn on the coming Friday. He also told me he had no idea where he would be if he was withdrawn. This upset me a great deal, as I had invested in this child, and he in my class. I went to the registrar, and got the correct forms sent to his class, which were signed by his mother and turned in in time to keep him in school. Two months later, he stopped coming to school. After a week, I was concerned, so I e-mailed the registrar to ask her where he was and what could I do. She told me that his situation was bad again, and that he would probably be withdrawn. The following week, I got his withdrawal notice, to home school. When they withdraw to "home school" it basically means they are dropping out.

It was some comfort when I got an e-mail from the registrar saying that she had told John's mom that I had asked about him and been concerned, his mom seemed genuinely touched that I had taken the time to ask about her son. John is a special kid, with difficult circumstances, and I did everything I could to help him. He'll be in my prayers and memory forever.

Anyway, maybe I'll write more tomorrow. That's enough for today.


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