Thursday, November 17, 2011

Yeah, It's Because I'm White.


As a professional, I have never been called racist except by students as a half-hearted retort to save face.

I mentioned in the previous post that we are reading Poisonwood Bible. That's right. We are reading a novel that is an Opera's Book Club selection, champion of human rights for the Congolese, denouncer of traditional gender roles, and embracer of inter-racial-social-cultural communication and relationships. How dare we.

I must admit, this parent must be a lot smarter than I am if they can read the back of a book and truly know the essence of what their child is learning. Anyone who can read a 105-word synopsis and know that young adults should not read the whole novel is far more perceptive than I, who have read the entire book as well as the criticism of it. It is outrageous that students should learn to embrace other cultures. It is barbaric that students should read about self-discovery and the complicated experience of being female in a male world. It is shocking that students might read a book that challenges white dominance and the legalistic strictures of the church.

So, I will call this parent, and I will arm myself with the mantra of student responsibility. Ultimately, however, I will give in. I know that a phone call is not going to change this parent's mind.

Yes, mother of my student, I am white.

Yes, I was raised in the culture of white privilege.

Yes, racism exists in this world.

But no, you do not get to decide that I chose this book because I am white. You do not get to make that generalization about me. You can make the decision that because it is set in Africa, your daughter cannot read it. However, you will be wrong.

And as I tell my students, it is OK to be wrong, but it is not OK to stay wrong. I hope your heart changes.


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