Thursday, November 3, 2011

"Siren Song" by Margaret Atwood

Salvete, Today, I had the kids read the awesome poem, "Siren Song" by Margaret Atwood. As an activity, I had them write two questions as original posts in a forum I had set up for their use. They were two create their two questions and then respond to two other questions that their classmates had created. I know from doing this activity in the past that they never want to stop at two comments, because they are teenagers and cannot hold in their opinions once formed.

 I wanted to share some of their question and responses with you. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did:

Q: Why would Ulysses not stuff his ears with wax?
A: Because he didn't have wax.

Q: What could have been a way to avoid the siren's song, not including the way Ulysses did so?
A: Kill the sirens.
A: Bring women to kill the sirens.

Q: Would you save the men who fell overboard?
A: Yes I would, depending on who they were. If it was Justin Beiber...NO!

Q: What man would you save?
A: Anyone I didn't dislike.

Q: Who is telling about the "Siren Song"?
A: One of the sirens.
Response: How do you know? Please give text evidence.

That last one is a future teacher! Just kidding. But that is what we say to them...Please give textual evidence! So cute.

Valete, Magistra

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