Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Anime Club Commences Again

Hey there.

Er, Salvete.

I've resigned myself to the fact that I will never be teaching Latin again. I'm too specialized now in my department. I've been trained to teach upper-level classes, as well as trained to pilot a program for kids in the academic middle. I get to use Latin many days, but so much of it has slipped away. I still love it, but I am ready to accept that I am done using my Latin certification for which I worked so hard.

Now, on to less dismal thoughts!

Anime Club has indeed begun again. Expect posts on Wednesdays. Unbelieveably, everything is graded and I can pen a post. There are approximately 40 students in my class right now, half watching "Princess Mononoke," and half doing various other things. There is one student in a gas mask (speaking in a terrible Russian accent), four playing Yugio, and all is well. Just another day at Anime Club.

They have about eight minutes until I kick them out. If you are unfamiliar with the blog, last year I had about 10-15 students weekly. 40 students is a lot, especially considering I only have 15 desks, and am aiming to take that number down to 12. Many bodies are on the floor, which is disgusting, because I am fairly certain that the floor gets cleaned only in the summer. Yay, public school!

But really, my custodian is very nice, and most days we have an awkward conversation in Spanish, often consisting of him laughing at me and calling my teaching partner a gringo. My teaching partner does not speak Spanish at all, and I speak enough to exchange pleasantries. I guess that saves me from gringo status. Not that there's anything wrong with being a gringo, or gringa, for that matter.

It's sushi night, and I am thankful.

Valete (bye),
Magistra (female teacher)

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