Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My balogna has a first name...


The eternal question: is doing your hair more important than homework? Of course it is!

A student walked into my class today with his hair freshly braided. I asked him how much time he had spent doing his hair, since I knew how little time he spent doing his homework. He became immediatley defensive, saying that he couldn't come to school looking like a fool with his hair like that guy's (as he pointed to a responsible boy in the class, including the necessary "no offense"). I told him he looked like an even bigger fool if he didn't have his homework done.

The argument went on for a little bit, and the guy with the bad hair (an amazing afro that I think is pretty cool) stepped in to try to explain some things about responsibility. Eventually, they came back to me, and I told the irresponsible student that I thought he was full of balogna. He took offense, of course, which encouraged me to insult him further. He just makes it too easy.

I have now spent the rest of class pretending that all I could hear come out of his mouth was the phrase, "I'm full of balogna," every time he asks me a question.



Ionait O'Cian said...

Just wanted you to know that I have been reading all of your posts, though neglecting to comment. I will try to get better! But really, if you wrote a book about your teaching adventures, I would buy it in a heart beat. I really look forward to your updates!

Pati said...

I have missed your blog. Thought I would check it out today. It just makes me laugh. So proud that you are teaching our adults of tomorrow, or is that just a bunch of balogna (the part about adult).