Monday, May 24, 2010

The Way to End the Day


If it weren't for fourth period, I'd be going home right now. What I do not mean by this is, that without a fourth period, the day would be over, the final bell would have rung, and I would be walking out the door.

Not at all.

What I mean is, without the students in fourth period, I would be so depressed, downtrodden, grouchy, and angry, that I'd be calling in an emergency substitute and leaving straightaway.

Instead, I am still here, and glad to be so. The students in fourth period bring so much light to my day. Perhaps it is their innocence, their naivete. However, third period is naive in its way. Third period is naive in thinking they know what there is to know, in thinking that they are mature, socially aware, and academically adept. Nothing could be further from the truth, on the whole. Fourth period, on the other hand, has an innocent curiosity in what I have to say and what there is to learn. They listen the first time (most times). They don't talk back, and always ask how my day was. They also are always eager to tell me what has happened in their days, and I am no less eager to hear. Of course they have their moments of stupidity, for they are teenagers.

Is it bad to say that, collectively, I love them the most? It may be as bad to do that as it is to choose a favorite offspring. Even if it is in one's heart, one probably shouldn't say it, for fear that it will come back to punish one in some grave way.

No specifics today, just a reflection.



Anonymous said...

Your description of your fourth period class makes me want to meet them. :)

magistra said...

You should come visit.