Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Nothing Gold Can Stay.


I have surrendered Anime Club. It's for the best, you know.

We have this week and next week to meet, then we will be done for the year. And I will not be the sponsor.

Will I have less weirdness to blog about? Probably. Will I regret the choice to no longer sponsor Anime Club? Maybe.

But I doubt it.

In other news, it is nearly summer. While the rest of the world is getting out of school this week or next week, our district felt compelled to extend school until June 9th. Whoever was responsible for this situation obviously cares greatly for the district's budget, because the longer we keep the chilren, the more money we get. On the flip side of this, the longer we keep the children, the more likely teachers are to go berserk and hurt themselves or someone else.

Speaking of hurting oneself, I had a former student attempt suicide. The finer details of his attempt are not important, and when I went to visit him in the hospital, he seemed alert enough. It was a weird thing, driving to the hospital to see a student. Old people, not children, are supposed to be in hospitals. It was inevitable, I suppose, that one of my students would eventually end up attempting suicide, but the thought never really crossed my mind until now--until it happened. I'm going back to visit on Thursday.

The latest, up to date moment in Anime Club: Some people have really piercing voices.


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