Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Please...make it stop.


We haven't had Anime Club in a few weeks due to the wedding. I thought I missed it.

I didn't.

The kids have gotten the bright idea to do something besides watch anime. And so. We are having a brainstorming session. (Game-show voice...commence!) What other ideas can we come up with besides watching anime? Let's find out!

1. "Let's do something like Anime Idol except not singing!"
2. "Let's play games!" "That's too general!"
a. Anime Chess
b. Anime Clue
c. Anime Dancing
d. Anime Theater Endeavor
3. Anime picture of the week!
4. Anime's Best Dance Crew
5. Anime's Got Talent
6. Magicians
7. David Hasselhoff
8. Pokemon battle using action figures or cards
9. Summer meetings (kaiboshed immediately)
10. Anime Club Twitter
11. Yahoo Group
12. Anime potluck
13. Art contests (already were doing but stopped happening)

It sort of degenerated into meaninglessness in the middle, but our officers brought it back. Here is how they did it.

1. Singing random snippits of songs (this was often)
2. Rick rolling
3. Kitty dancy thing
4. Chicken dance (current moment)
5. "OY!"
6. Grapevine
7. Reading "Biff, Willy, Linda, Happy" off of the Death of a Salesman poster at the back of the room
8. Weirdo noises which turned out to be big words said really quickly

What joy is mine. One of the students has a staticky verson of "Smooth Criminal" as performed by Alien Ant Farm blasting on her cell phone. They've all congregated at the front of the room to write their names on an Anime Club Contact List. I'm done giving you a play-by-play, because I can't keep up with the chaos. I may have to find something to do outside of the room while they finish the meeting.

At least they bring candy ever week.


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